

こんにちは!東京都東久留米市で多摩地域の自然素材を使ったお肌と環境に優しい地産地消の化粧品を製造している株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料のインターンシップ生である「LOVELY KGU BOYZ」のY.Kです。

hello! I'm Y.K from "LOVELY KGU BOYZ", an internship student at Rosa Tokushu Cosmetics Co., Ltd., which manufactures skin- and environment-friendly cosmetics using natural ingredients from the Tama area in Higashikurume City, Tokyo.
Today (8/23) was the last day of the internship. First of all, I would like to thank everyone at Rosa Special Cosmetics Co., Ltd. for allowing me to participate in this internship. Through these 10 days, I learned about various things such as the time and effort it takes to make a single cosmetic product, the effects of the ingredients contained in the cosmetic product, and thinking about customer needs. In addition, I was able to experience the process of making the cosmetics I made into a product, and taste the joy that comes when the cosmetics are made into a product. I also learned about video techniques such as creating training videos and creating well-being. None of this would have been possible without participating in this internship. I would like to thank Mr. Kadoya and everyone at Rosa Special Cosmetics Co., Ltd. for the 10 days.
Please also take a look at Rosa youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgtPRgE-6XA




#東京都東久留米市 #SDGs #エシカル化粧品 #エコ化粧品  #ローザ #工学院大学

#インターン #充実 #スキンケア #化粧品製造 #化粧品試作

エシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料

〒203-0042 東京都東久留米市八幡町1-1-12 技術研究所52号


TEL:042-420-1201(皮膚は1番) FAX:042-420-1214(皮膚良よ)