東京都東久留米市の世界中を笑顔にするエシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 製造業ローザ特殊化粧料(rosa603special)でイン ターンシップをさせていただいている工学院大学のTです。
8月11日はインターンシップの最終日です。試作品のパワ ーポイントを作成し、午後から成果発表会を行いました。前日に、 新潟県魚沼産コシヒカリの米ぬかパウダーを使ったクリームを作り ました。米ぬかは食品としてだけではなく化粧品にも利用できるこ と知りました。その効果・魅力やクリームを使ってほしいターゲッ ト像等を自分なりの言葉で伝えることができました。 化粧品をつくって終わりではなく、その化粧品をなぜ作ろうと思っ たのか、商品の利点や改善点を伝えることも重要なことだと知りま した。
10日間のインターシップでは、様々な体験をさせていただき、1 つ1つの作業で学ぶことが多かったです。最後の試作品作りでは、 一人で原料を探すことから始め、秤量や乳化を行い、 最後の充填まで体験させていただきました。大学の実験とは違う作 業がとても勉強になりました。今回のインターシップで学んだこと を生かして、これからも化粧品開発・製造業界の理解を深めていき たいと思います。ローザ特殊化粧料角屋由華様をはじめ従業員の皆様、この度は大変 お世話になりました。
August 11th, it is the last day of the internship. Today, we written a prototype PowerPoint and held a result presentation in the afternoon. I made a cream using rice bran powder from Koshihikari from Uonuma, Niigata prefecture yesterday. I learned that rice bran can be used not only as food but also as cosmetics. I told it in my own words of the effect, charm and target image that you want to use cream. In addition, learned that it is important not to finish making cosmetics, but to convey the advantages and improvements of the product, why I decided to make the cosmetics.
I had various experiences for 10 days, and I often learned by each work. started making prototypes by searching for raw materials by myself. Weighed and emulsified, and experienced until the final filling. In making the final prototype, I started by searching for raw materials by myself. After that, weighed and emulsified, and experienced until the final filling. Also, I learned a lot from the work that was different from the university experiment. I would like to continue to deepen my understanding of the cosmetics development and manufacturing industry by making use of what I learned from this internship. Rosa special cosmetics Mrs. Kakuya and let me express my heartfelt appreciation to all of employees.
August 11th, it is the last day of the internship. Today, we written a prototype PowerPoint and held a result presentation in the afternoon. I made a cream using rice bran powder from Koshihikari from Uonuma, Niigata prefecture yesterday. I learned that rice bran can be used not only as food but also as cosmetics. I told it in my own words of the effect, charm and target image that you want to use cream. In addition, learned that it is important not to finish making cosmetics, but to convey the advantages and improvements of the product, why I decided to make the cosmetics.
I had various experiences for 10 days, and I often learned by each work. started making prototypes by searching for raw materials by myself. Weighed and emulsified, and experienced until the final filling. In making the final prototype, I started by searching for raw materials by myself. After that, weighed and emulsified, and experienced until the final filling. Also, I learned a lot from the work that was different from the university experiment. I would like to continue to deepen my understanding of the cosmetics development and manufacturing industry by making use of what I learned from this internship. Rosa special cosmetics Mrs. Kakuya and let me express my heartfelt appreciation to all of employees.
